Site Plan Review

Site Plan Review and Development Committee

In 2012, the City of Gary instituted a streamlined review process for zoning clearances and building permits. A Site Plan Review and Development (SPRD) Committee was formed to review requests for all commercial/industrial and home projects involving new construction or remodeling (including facades, signage, and parking lots).

The Site Plan Review & Development Committee requests that the owner and selected contractor come before the SPRD Committee and present an overview of the proposed petition/project. After each presentation, the petitioner will either receive a decision on permitting, Plan Commission, Zoning Board review, or will be asked for additional information.

Work that disturbs land on project areas of 12,500 square feet or more requires a Land Disturbing Activities Permit.

Site Plan Review & Development Checklist


Stormwater Design Standards Requirement

Indiana American Water, Pipe Replacements

Note pipe distances are not exact on map.


–  Type your address in the search bar of the map.

–  Match the color of line in front of your property with legend to find out what year your pipe was or will be replaced.