Vacation Rentals
Do you have property that are used for Airbnb, VRBO, etc. ? Click to apply for Short- Term Rental Application.
To protect the safety of the public and staff during this winter surge of COVID infections, the Zoning Department will conduct business virtually whenever possible, reserving in-person meetings only by necessity. Please visit the Gary Online link on the licenses tab or contact us directly at zoning@gary.gov; 219-881-1332.
For questions regarding property zoning, please complete the following form requests:
For a zoning verification letter, complete and submit this form with payment
For a zoning compliance letter, complete and submit this form with payment
Applying for or renewing a license with the City of Gary? Click the Licenses tab.
Looking for information on development standards or permitted uses for a property? Click the maps and uses tab.
Submitting site plans and architectural drawings for review? Click the Site Plan Review tab.
Work that disturbs land on project areas of 12,500 square feet or more requires a Land Disturbing Activities Permit. Click the Site Plan Review tab.