Continuum of Care Network (COC Network)

The Continuum of Care Network (COC Network) is a composite of a number of agencies, advocates, and not for profits, including faith based, that are organized for the purpose of addressing the needs of homeless and special needs populations. The driving premise for the collaboration is to form a seamless delivery of services for the target populations and maximize the impact of resources.

The “Network” includes emergency shelter providers, transitional housing and supportive service providers, as well as a host of temporary and permanent housing providers. The local providers and support agencies are dedicated workers that come from various capacities. Advocate and support: Medical and hospital, law enforcement, legal advisors, Community Development Housing Corp. (CHDO), Indiana University, Lake County Recorder Office and Human Relations Agency.

Advocacy roles include state and federal agencies such as: Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA), Indiana Coalition for the Homeless and Housing Initiatives (ICHHI), State Department of Mental Health, Department of Mental Health, Department of Children and Family Services and Workforce Investment – Work One.

Contact us at (219)886-9966